
Polyclar Brewbrite Kettle Fining Agent and Beer Stabilizer

Polyclar Brewbrite Kettle Fining Agent and Beer Stabilizer

Polyclar Brewbrite is a unique wort clarifier and beer stabilizer. It is an optimized composite of purified food grade carrageenan and specially modified PVPP. Added to the brew kettle with 10 minutes left in the boil, Brewbrite  consolidates the trub cone and enhances wort clarity to achieve increased wort collection and give longer downstream filter runs, as well as greater chill haze stability. No other kettle fining agent gives the head start on colloidal stabilization that Brewbrite gives.

See Brewbrite in Action


  • Upstream wort clarification and beer stabilization with a single addition of Brewbrite to the wort
  • No specialized equipment required; easy to dose
  • Protects against chill haze and permanent haze
  • Longer filter runs and increased wort yield


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Contact us today and let us help you with your filtration requirements. Our filtration experts can help you choose the right filter for your application.

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