
GFC Filter Cartridge Housings

GFC Filter Cartridge Housings

General Filtration GFC filter housings are ideal for low to medium flow applications such as residential and commercial water filtration. GFC filter housings hold four-around double open end (DOE) filter cartridges and are one to four decks high to take four cartridge lengths (10”, 20”, 30”, and 40”) or up to four stacked 10” cartridges, with the largest size suitable for flow rates up to 80 GPM. Constructed of durable carbon steel, these vessels provide an economical solution for simple applications. A swing bolt cover provides a safe and secure seal. Also available in a 300 psi high pressure format.


  • Available in four sizes
  • Carbon steel construction
  • Available in 150 psi and 300 psi ratings
  • For flow rates up to 80 GPM
  • Quick and easy cartridge changeout

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