
Eaton Tubular Backwashing Filters

Eaton Tubular Backwashing Filters

The simple design and quick-element access of the AFC-Series Tubular Backwash Filter can significantly reduce the time and effort required to maintain, change elements, and reconnect the unit’s valves.

The AFC-Series tubular backwash filter is optimal for applications that demand high-pressure operation, up to 1,000 psi and scalable flexibility. Systems are available in single, duo, and multiplex configurations.

The key to the F-Series versatility is its modular design that enables future capacity and configuration flexibility. It also uses cleanable media that reduces life cycle costs and maximizes productivity.

AFR-Series (pictured)
The AFR Industrial Filter is an expandable circular design for increased capacity in a compact one-square-metre footprint. The AFR-Series is ideal for high volume, low viscosity applications with retentions as low as 2 microns. It also uses cleanable media that reduces life cycle costs and maximizes productivity.

A General Filtration expert can select the exactly right automatic backwashing filter for your application from a broad range of options. Call us for analysis of your application, detailed technical specifications, and a quotation.


  • Solids removal from 2 to 1,700 microns
  • Flow rates up to 3,000 gpm (AFC & F-Series) and 2,000 gpm (AFR-Series)
  • Smooth pipe and nozzle connection transitions to avoid dead spots and minimize pressure drop
  • Numerous automated backwash options for operator-free service and minimal backwash effluent (<2% of system volume)


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Contact us today and let us help you with your filtration requirements. Our filtration experts can help you choose the right filter for your application.

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