
Filtration products for the chemical industry

General Filtration’s Dicalite diatomite and perlite, and Solka-floc cellulose filter aids are the established technology, along with filter media such as filter paper and non-woven fabrics, cartridges, and filter bags, for liquid/solids separation in chemical processing.

We have sixty-five years of experience in applying these technologies to critical process steps in the production of chemicals such as alum, ferric chloride and other water treatment chemicals, titanium dioxide, acids, solvents, fertilizers, plasticizers, resins, and polyols, and indeed an almost endless list of other products. We can do pilot filtration for the optimization of existing processes and for the development of new processes. Our experience equips us well to apply newly developed crossflow membrane technology to the classical applications when it makes sense to do so.

We are experienced in applying Solka-floc cellulose filter powder to the purification of brine for chlorine and caustic, sodium chlorate, and other electrolytic chemical manufacturing. We know how to optimize production of sodium hypochlorite and how to dewater the sludge generated in these plants.

Our experience of using activated carbon and bleaching earths to adsorb liquid impurities is the natural complement to our filtration expertise.

General Filtration’s cartridge and bag filter systems give a range of options for guard filtration against occasional tramp solids in various applications throughout chemical plants, especially in barrel filling and liquid tanker loading and unloading stations.

We specialize in chemical filtration

Our filtration experts know how to specify and supply all types of filters commonly used in chemical production. We know when to apply filter aids, filter cartridges, filter bags and adsorbents for the assurance for the highest quality, and we know how to optimize systems for the achievement of efficiencies and economies of production.

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